Haumoana School

Haumoana School

Monday, 27 October 2014

Welcome to Term 4

It’s term 4 already! Where has the year gone! This term is shaping up to be another busy, exciting term. 
We have had an art focus in Room 7 for the past week as we prepare for Market Day. We have been printmaking using ‘Pop Art’ artists such as Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol as our inspiration. The children created a self-portrait printing block using layered cardboard. They then printed their image with ink and rollers, experimenting with contrasting and complimentary colours.

They also created cartoon images of themselves using dotted paper in the style of Lichtenstein. 

The artwork they have produced is fabulous. I will post some images of the final pieces soon.

We will be learning about sun safety this term and we will continue our Enviroschool studies focusing on recycling and sustainability. 

School swimming will be starting again in the coming weeks, more information to follow. 

Keep up the nightly homework routines - reading, basic facts and the Magic Castle books. 

Hope to see you all at Market Day on Sunday 2nd November.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Discovery Time
Here are a few pics of Room 7 enjoying Discovery Time throughout the term.

What Have We Been Up to Lately?

We thought it was about time we showed off some more of our fabulous artwork and writing...

We are very proud of our beautiful self-portraits.


Look at our Magic Castle. We are so keen to learn our high frequency reading and spelling words that we need a bigger castle!

We are fabulous writers as well as artists. Here is a sample of our character descriptions of the Big Bad Mouse from the Gruffalo's Child.