Haumoana School

Haumoana School

Sunday, 23 February 2014

    Week 4 News
Welcome to week 4. Last week was a busy week. Thank you to all the parents who
came along to meet the teacher evening, I appreciate your support and hope that
the evening was informative. 

The school picnic was a huge success, thank you to all the parents who helped out on
the day. The children had a fabulous day. I have posted a few pictures of our class
enjoying the activities, there are lots more great photos on the Haumoana School
Facebook page.


Home reading is now well underway, great to see that the children are all reading
daily at home and reading logs are being filled in each night. Thanks for your
wonderful home support.
The children are really enthusiastic about the Magic Castle books. They have been
working hard to complete the challenges. Well done Room 7!

Basic fact books will be coming home on Monday, Please spend a little time eac
night working on their current step on the number knowledge ladder.

Discovery time has been a great success so far, the children have been utilising
their creative talents making elaborate constructions and working collaboratively in
a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. 

Lastly just a quick reminder to please label all your children's belongings. We are
learning to look after and take responsibility for our belongings. The growing pile
of lost property is kept outside our classroom. Please have a quick check through
next time you are at school.

Have a fantastic week and keep checking our blog regularly for updates.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Welcome to Week 2

Welcome to Week 2. We have lots of exciting learning happening this week.

Discovery time starts tomorrow, if you have any old cardboard boxes, egg cartons, tubes, cereal boxes etc we will gladly take them off your hands!

Last week our big book was called 'T-shirts', the children created their own bright, colourful t-shirts with a picture of their family on the front. They look great hanging up in our room. 

They have also each written a little blurb about themselves, we have published these and they will be displayed in the class for all to see. They did a great job, we have enjoyed reading each one and learning about each other.

Well done Hagen Thompson who was awarded the Room 7 certificate in assembly this morning. Hagen has made a fantastic start back to school, he is always enthusiastic and eager to share his thoughtful ideas with the class.   


Friday, 7 February 2014

Welcome to Room 7's blog. We are a lively, enthusiastic group of Year 1 students. Our teacher is called Mrs Benson.

We have had a great start to the year in Room 7. The children have come back excited, enthusiastic and ready to learn. Our classroom is looking bright and colourful and is a great place to be.

Our topic this term is Words. We will be reading, reading, reading and celebrating our wonderful language. We are starting the term by focusing on the author Julia Donaldson and all her magical, exciting stories.

We have been enjoying swimming. We go every afternoon at 2:00pm so we have to remember to bring our swimming togs every day.

We are looking forward to our first discovery time session on Tuesday. discovery time is a great chance for us to show off our creativity.

We have two class pets - our monarch caterpillars, we are watching excitedly as they are getting very fat! I wonder what might happen soon... watch this space!

Keep checking our blog, we will be posting regularly and don't forget to follow us!

Room 7 Newsletter - 3 February 2014

Dear parents,
Happy New Year and welcome to Room 7.  I hope you are all feeling rested and relaxed after your summer break. We are going to have a busy, exciting year in Room 7 and I am looking forward to working with you and your wonderful, enthusiastic little learners.
Please find below some useful information about the coming term.

Before school routine
At the start of the year it is important to establish good independent work habits. Before school starts please encourage your child to hang up their own bag, put their book bag and their snack on their table and to put away their reader from the previous day.
It can be daunting saying goodbye to Mum and Dad in the first few days back after the holidays, it helps if the children arrive in plenty of time to greet their friends and prepare for their day before the bell rings.
The children will have a healthy snack each morning to keep their energy levels up until morning tea. This is a quick brain food stop so should be a small piece of fruit, vegetables and/or cheese. It is helpful if this can be stored in a separate container and it saves a lot of time if things like apples are cut up into slices and mandarins peeled!

Topic / Unit Study Our school focus this term is “Words”. This topic will provide lots of wonderful opportunities to celebrate literacy, books and language and extend the children’s vocabularies.

We are also implementing the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme. This proactive programme teaches essential life skills for peaceful conflict resolution.

Home Reading
Home reading will be underway by week 2 and all children will bring home something to read and discuss with you each night. This may be a new book, a familiar book they have chosen to re-read, their own published writing or their poem book on Fridays. Reading logs will be coming home shortly.

The Magic Castle Book
The children will also bring home their Magic Castle Book. This is a series of challenges involving frequently used words to learn to read or spell. Each time the children complete a challenge they will be rewarded with a character to put on our class Magic Castle. Please spend a little time each night working with your child to learn their magic castle words.

Basic Facts
Maths knowledge homework will begin shortly and the children will bring home their basic facts book each week.

Swimming will begin straight away. We will be swimming at 2:00pm – 2:30pm every day. Please ensure your child brings named swimming togs / towel / goggles every day in a separate swimming bag.

Our Library day is Friday. The children will bring home two library books each week. These will need to be returned to school by Thursday.

Named clothing
Please name all of your child’s school uniform and swimming gear (with a permanent marker). It makes it much easier for items to be returned to your child if they are mislaid.

Finally, thank you for your support. I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning with your children this year.

Kind regards
Helen Benson